Implementation Services

3.3_7699012MedUnison’s web-based infrastructure hosts all of our customers’ applications. DocSynergy solutions run on the web, not on the user’s computer. There is no hardware installation or software to install. This simplicity allows for quicker implementation, unlike traditional client-side systems that can be labor intensive and take months to install and implement.

The decision to implement an electronic health record (EHR) or a care transitions solution is one of the most important decisions for your health organization. Business and clinic processes will be impacted with the implementation. Considering the change and impact on your organization that this implementation will cause requires a clear roadmap so that you can maximize the benefits of the solution implemented.

A successful implementation that is adopted throughout your organization requires careful planning, hard work and involvement from key stakeholders. We partner with clients to streamline clinical and business processes enabling a seamless workflow to meet financial and care goals. Our low cost model is subscription based so customers only pay for what they use versus traditional models where they pay for “what they might use”.

Unlike many vendors, we work very closely with our clients throughout the entire process to help ensure a successful implementation and that your team is as confident and knowledgeable about our solutions as anyone who works for MedUnison is.

Our implementation approach is to partner with our customer in order to ensure that our solution is customized effectively to your needs, that the adoption challenges are minimized and that the enterprise is fully integrated throughout the implementation process.

Call 405-271-9900 today to learn how our turn-key solutions can help your organization or click on Learn More.